General Information
Mainly used for wool purpose and is known for its best quality wool. They are native to Angora province of Turkey. They produces high amount of Angora wool. Angora rabbits are quite small in size and are round in shape. The breed has an average weight of 2-5.5 kg or sometimes more. English Angora, French Angora, Satin Angora, Giant Angora and German Angora are the breeds of Angora rabbit. Out of which German Angora is the best known breed which gives an average yield of 1000-1800gm wool. The average weight of English Angora is 2-3.4kg, English Angora is 2-3.5kg, French Angora is 3.5-4.5kg, giant Angora is 5.5kg or more and that of Satin Angora is 3-4.5kg. Angora rabbit can live even in small spaces and requires temperate climate. They don’t require vast grazing land. Angora rabbit produces 6 times more wool than sheep on per kg body weight. Angora rabbit produces wool which is fine, light in weight and warmer. The wool is sold costly and is good for export purposes. The rabbit wool is recommended to wear if a person is suffering from arthritis because of its electrostatic properties.