
General Information

This breed is mainly used for meat production. It is found in districts of Punjab, Rajasthan and Agra and some districts of U.P. It is a medium height animal having compact body. It has short and tubular ears. The male barbari has 38-40kg of weight and female barbari has 23-25 kg of weight. The length of male barbari is approximately 65cm and that of female is approximately 75cm. It has wide range of coat color but the white color having small light brown color patches is most common. Both male and female barbari goat have large thick beard. The average milk yield per day is 1.5-2.0kg and yield per lactation period varies from 140kg.


Because of the curious nature of this animal they can eat variety of feed source which are bitter, sweet, salty and sour in taste. They can eat leguminous feed like Lobia, Berseem, garlic etc. with taste and enjoyment. Mainly they like to eat the fodder which gives them energy and are rich with protein. They usually have a habit to spoil their food because they did urine in the feeding place. Therefore special type of feeding place is made to protect food from spoilage.

Planted fodder: Podded: Berseem, Garlic, Beans, Peas, Guar.
Non leguminous: Corn, Oats. 
Tree leaves: Peepal, mango, ashoka, neem, berry and banyan. 
Plants and bushes, herbal and climber plants: Gokharu, khejri, karonda, berry etc.
Root plants (Left over material of vegetables): Turnip, potato, radish, carrot, beetroot, cauliflower and cabbage.

 Napier grass, guinea grass, doob grass, anjan grass, stylo grass. 

Dry fodder

Straw: Chickpea, pigeon pea and groundnut, conserved fodder.
Hay: Grass, leguminous (chickpea) and non-leguminous (oats).
Silage: Grass, leguminous and non-leguminous plants.


Grain: Bajra, sorghum, oats, maize, chickpea, wheat.
Farm and industrial sub products: Coconut seeds skin, mustard skin, groundnut skin, alsi, shisham, wheat sawdust, rice sawdust, etc. 
Livestock and marine products: Full and partial dry milk products, fish meal, and blood meal. 
Industrial sub-products: Sub products of barley, vegetables and fruits.
Pods: Acacia, banyan, peas etc.

Kid food management:
Give kids colostrum within 1 hour of birth. Colostrum has antibodies properties which help to protect it from diseases and it also provides Vitamin A, D, minerals such as copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Give about 400ml of milk per day to kid which will increase in 1st month.

Milk producing goat’s feed:
Mainly the normal goat can eat 4.5kg of green manure in one day. In the feed minimum 1 kg of dry manure i.e. pigeon pea/peas or leguminous hay must be included.   

Care of the breed

Care of pregnant goats: For the healthy development of pregnant goat, dry her off at least 6-8 weeks before expected delivery. Before 15 days of expected kidding, take goat into an open and clean room which is filled with straw on the floor. 

Care of newborn kids: After birth clean the nostrils, face and ear with the help of dry cotton cloth and remove the placental membrane. Gentle rubbing must be done to clean the newborn kids. If new born kid is not taking breathe then hold the kids up with their hind legs having head downwards which will help to clear its respiratory tract. Clean the udder of goat with tincture iodine and then kid gets its first colostrum drink within 30 minutes of its birth.

Care of goats after delivery: After delivery properly clean the room and also clean the back portion of goat with iodine or Neem water. After delivery give sugary water to the goat and after that hot feed is given to goat which includes mixture of ginger, salt, metal sawdust and sugar.

Organizing identification symbols on baby goats: For the proper record, good husbandry, recognition purpose and as the proof of ownership it is necessary to apply number mark on their body. It is mainly done with the help of tattooing, tagging, wax marking crayons, spray chalk, colored spray and paint branding.

Recommended vaccines to goats: CDT or CD&T vaccine is given as the core vaccination to protect goats from Clostridial diseases. Tetanus vaccination should be given at the time of birth. When the kid reaches 5-6 weeks, booster vaccination is given and after that it is given once in the year. 

Diseases and Treatment

•    Coccidiosis: It is found mainly in young kids. It is caused by coccidia parasite. The signs are diarrhoea, dehydration, rapid weight loss and fever.

Treatment: Biosol medicine is given to once in a day for about 5-7 days to get cure from coccidiosis. It can also be treated with Corid or Sulmet or Decox.

•    Enterotoxaemia: It is also known as overeating disease. The symptoms are depression, loss of appetite, high temperature, convulsions or death.
Treatment: Yearly booster vaccination is given to prevent enterotoxaemia. Antitoxins of type C and D is given to treat this disease.



•    Acidosis: It is mainly caused due to overeating of concentrated food. The symptoms are depression. Teeth grinding, muscle twitching, and swelling.
Treatment: Stop overfeeding and give soda bicarbonate (2-3oz) to treat the acidosis disease.



•    Pregnancy toxemia: It is a metabolic disease. The symptoms are loss of appetite, sweet smelling breath, lethargy, etc.
Treatment:  Propylene glycol is given twice a day along with water and sodium bicarbonate will help to treat toxemia.





•    Ketosis: It is caused by ketones which causes lack of energy in the body. The symptoms are decreased milk production, off food and having sweet smelling breath.
Treatment: Drenching of glucose will help to cure ketosis.


•    Johne’s disease: This disease affects the goat by loss the body weight, frequent diarrhea, emaciation and weakness. The disease mainly occurs when the goat is 1-2 years old.
Treatment: No appropriate test is made to detect Johne’s disease in early stage. Consult the vet for health checkup of the goat.



•    Tetanus: It is caused by Clostridium tetani. The symptoms are stiffed muscles, breathing issues which ultimately result in death of animal.
Treatment: Penicillin antibiotic is given to cure disease and wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide. 




•    Foot rot: The symptom is lameness. 
Treatment: it is cure by giving them bath of copper sulphate solution. 




•    Laminitis: It is caused due to overeating of high concentrated food. The symptoms are lameness diarrhoea, warm feet, toxemia etc.
Treatment: Phenylbutazone is given to get relief from pain and the feed having less protein or energy content is given to treat laminitis.


•    Pneumonia: It causes infection on lungs and the symptoms are respiratory problems, runny nose and high temperature. 
Treatment: Certain antibiotics are given to cure disease.




•    CAE (Caprine arthritis-encephalitis): It is a virus and the symptoms are lameness, pneumonia, chronic cough and weight loss. 
Treatment: Keep the infected goat away from the herd so that the disease can’t spread to other animals.




•    Ringworms: It is mainly caused by fungus. The symptoms are thick skin, thin hairs, gray or white color crusty appearance on skin etc.
Treatment: Application of any one of these fungicidal solution will help to cure disease. 

1. 1:10 bleach

2. O.5% Sulphur

3. 1:300 Captan

4. 1% Betadine

Application is done daily for 5 days and then weekly.

•    Pinkeye: It is mainly spread through flies and is highly contagious.
Treatment: Wash the eyes with penicillin or oxytetracycline to get cure from pinkeye disease.




•    WMD (White muscle disease): It is mainly caused in kids of age group 1week to 3months. The symptoms are respiratory problem, weakness, stiffness etc. it is mainly caused due to Vitamin E and Selenium deficiency.
Treatment: Vitamin E and Selenium is given to cure from WMD.



•    Listeriosis: It is caused by Listeria monocytogenes during changed weather and during advanced stages of pregnancy. The symptoms are depression, fever, paralysis, abortions etc.
Treatment: in starting 3-5 days procaine penicillin is given after every 6 hours and then once in a day for 7 days.



•    Mastitis: The symptoms are hot and hard udder, loss of appetite etc.
Treatment: Several antibiotics such as CD antitoxin, Penicillin, Nuflor, Banamine etc. are given to treat this disease.




  • Bottle jaw: It is caused by blood sucking worms. The symptoms are swollen jaw and abnormal color of jaw.