General Information
It is a major Indian carp which is found in Southern Asia and is very important. It belongs to the “Cyprinidae” family and genus “Labeo”. This fish is also known as “Rui”, “Ruee” or Tapra. It has small head, sharp face and lower lip is frill like, long and circular body, brown gray color body coat and has almost red color cane. Its whole body is covered with scales except fins and head. There are total 7 fins present on body of Rohu. It has maximum length of 1m. It mainly eats rotten weeds and left waste material. During the monsoon season, the Rohu fish gives eggs once in a year. This fish is most famous and popular because of its taste and high market demand. It is used as a culture species in aquaculture. It is mostly found in freshwater ponds, ditches, canals, rivers, lakes etc.It is reared along with mrigala and catla fishes in equal proportions.This breed has an average 0.08 million per acre per year combined production. It gives around 2.0-2.5 lakh eggs per kg of their weight. The weight of the fish depends upon the number of factors such as stock in pond, water condition, depth, size of the fish at the time of stocking, type of feed etc. If the size of fingerling at the time of stocking is 2½-3inch i.e. in February-March month, then it attains the weight approximately around 1kg upto December month. If 10,000 fingerlings are stocked then the recovery of rohu fish is about 6,000.