किसान 24 मार्च तक करा सकेंगे समर्थन मूल्य पर गेहूं बेचने के लिए पंजीयन

March 23 2023

समर्थन मूल्य MSP पर गेहूं की खरीद हेतु पंजीयन 

अधिक से अधिक किस

किसानों के लिए सौगात बनेगा वाराणसी का इंटीग्रेटेड पैक हाउस

March 22 2023

यूपी के वाराणसी में पूर्वांचल का पहला विश्व स्तरीय इंटीग्रेटेड पैक हाउस बन कर तैया

देश में दूध, अंडे और मांस उत्पादन में हुई वृद्धि

March 20 2023

डेयरी मंत्रालय के सर्वेक्षण के बाद देश में दूध, अंडे और मांस उत्पादन में वृद्धि हुई है. देश में

गोबर खरीदी के बदले 4 करोड़ 25 लाख रुपए का भुगतान

March 17 2023

गोबर खरीदी का भुगतान

मुख्यमंत्री श्री भूपेश बघेल ने 15 मार्च के दिन विधानसभा स्थित अप

राजस्थान में 40 हेक्टेयर जमीन पर बनेगा बाजरा र‍िसर्च सेंटर

March 16 2023

मिलेट्स यानी मोटे अनाज को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 2023 को इंटरनेशनल ईयर ऑफ मिलेट्स के रूप म

ICAR की गेहूं की नई किस्म जलवायु संकट को दे सकती है मात

March 15 2023

भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद के भारतीय चावल अनुसंधान संस्थान (आईसीएआर- आईएआरआई) के वैज्ञानिकों

पशुपालन के लिए ऋण, सांझी डेयरी योजना

March 15 2023

देश में पशुपालन जहां ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में आय का एक अच्छा जरिया है वहीं रोजगार सृजन का भी माध्

ड्रैगन फ़्रूट, आम, सब्ज़ियों और फूलों की नई तकनीकों एवं प्रशिक्षण के लिए खोले उत्कृष्टता केंद्र

March 14 2023

बागवानी फसलों के प्रदर्शन एवं प्रशिक्षण के लिए उत्कृष्टता केंद्र की स्थापना 

देश में

ਪਸ਼ੂਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਬਿਮਾਰੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਇਲਾਜ਼ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਫ਼ਸਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਟ੍ਰੇਨਿੰਗ

March 13 2023

ਸਾਲ 2022-23 ਦੌਰਾਨ ਅਸਿਸਟੈਂਸ ਟੂ ਸਟੇਟਸ ਫਾਰ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ ਆਫ ਐਨੀਮਲਜ ਡਿਜੀਜ਼ (ਅਸਕੈਡ) ਸਕੀਮ ਅਧੀਨ ਵਰਕਸ਼ਾਪ/ਸੈਮੀਨਾਰ ਕਰਵ

खरगोन की तीखी लाल मिर्च हो रही देश – विदेश में प्रसिध्द

March 13 2023

इंदौर संभाग का खरगोन जिला अपनी सुर्ख लाल और तीखी लाल मिर्च के लिए एशिया व देश-विदेश में प्रसिध्

IARI द्वारा विकसित गेहूं, चावल, चना, टमाटर और गोभी की प्रमुख किस्में

March 11 2023

वर्ष 2022 में भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान (IARI) द्वारा पारंपरिक और जीनोमिक-असिस्टेड ब्रीडिंग के म

ड्रिप एवं स्प्रिंकलर सेट पर सरकार दे रही है 75 प्रतिशत तक की सब्सिडी

March 10 2023

ड्रिप एवं स्प्रिंक्लर पर अनुदान 

लगातार गिरते भूमिगत जल स्तर को रोकने के लिए सरकार द्व

नेफेड गुजरात की तीन मंडियों में आज से प्याज की खरीद शुरू करेगा

March 09 2023

थोक बाजारों में प्याज कीमतों में गिरावट आने के बाद सहकारी संस्था नेफेड (Nafed) गुजरात में आज से त

गन्ना किसानों को अब आसानी से किराए पर मिलेंगे ट्रैक्टर एवं अन्य कृषि यंत्र

March 08 2023

फार्म मशीनरी बैंक में ट्रैक्टर को किया गया शामिल 

आज के समय में खेती-किसानी के कामों मे

मृदा स्वास्थ्य कार्ड से सतत खेती को बढ़ावा

March 07 2023

जानकारी मिलती है, जिससे न सिर्फ फसलों के उत्पादन में बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है बल्कि किसानों की आय में भ

उद्यानिकी कृषकों को चेन फेंसिंग योजना का लाभ जल्द मिलेगा

March 07 2023

उद्यानिकी एवं खाद्य प्र-संस्करण (स्वतंत्र प्रभार) राज्य मंत्री श्री भारत सिंह कुशवाह ने कहा ह

एक लाख किसानों के खेतों पर बनाए जाएँगे सिंचाई के लिए कूप

March 06 2023

सिंचाई के लिए किया जाएगा 1 लाख कूप का निर्माण 

किसानों की आमदनी एवं फसलों की पैदावार बढ़

गन्ना की उन्नत विकसित किस्मों के लिए ऑनलाइन बुकिंग

March 04 2023

उत्तर प्रदेश गन्ना शोध परिषद, शाहजहाँपुर पर प्रत्येक वर्ष मिठास गोष्ठी का आयोजन किया जाता है,

किसानों को सब्सिडी पर दिए जाएँगे 660 ट्रैक्टर

March 03 2023

ट्रैक्टर अनुदान के लिए ड्रॉ

कृषि क्षेत्र में ट्रैक्टर का अत्याधिक महत्व है परंतु लागत अ

ਇੰਡੋ-ਇਜ਼ਰਾਇਲ ਤਕਨੀਕ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਕਨਾਲ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਏਕੜ ਜਿੰਨੀ ਕਮਾਈ

March 02 2023

ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੀ ਕਿਸਮ ਦੀ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਬਹੁਮੰਤਵੀ ਗ੍ਰੇਡਿੰਗ/ਸੋਰਟਿੰਗ ਲਾਈਨ, ਹਾਈਡਰੋਪੋਨਿਕ ਯੂਨਿਟ ਅਤੇ ਪਲਾਂਟ ਹੈਲਥ

मसालों की खेती में छत्तीसगढ़ की बन रही देश में नई पहचान

March 02 2023

छत्तीसगढ़ में मसालों की खेती का दायरा बढ़ते जा रहा है। राज्य सरकार की किसान हितैषी नीतियों का खे

मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने बजट में दिया किसानो को यह तोहफा

March 01 2023

कृषि ऋण के लिए सरकार ने बजट में किए यह प्रावधान मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने वित्त वर्ष 2023-24 के लिए अपना ब

भारत सबसे बड़ा नारियल उत्पादक देश

March 01 2023

नारियल विकास बोर्ड, (कृषि मंत्रालय,) अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नारियल समुदाय (आईसीसी) के सहयोग से, नारियल

खेतों में जलाशय बनाने के लिए सरकार दे रही है 80 प्रतिशत तक की सब्सिडी

February 28 2023

फसलों का उत्पादन एवं उत्पादकता एवं किसानों की आमदनी बढ़ाने के लिए किसानों के पास सिंचाई के उप

तीसरी ई-नीलामी के दौरान 18.05 लाख मीट्रिक टन गेहूं बिका

February 28 2023

केंद्र सरकार व भारतीय खाद्य निगम (एफसीआई) ने देशभर के उपभोक्ताओं के लिए खुले बाजार में 18.05 लाख मी

From the RSS:

  • Paddy procurement on track in Haryana, Punjab despite late start; 112 lakh ton purchased so far

    Haryana and Punjab are progressing well towards their paddy procurement targets for the 2024-25 kharif marketing season, with 112 lakh tonnes already purchased. Despite a delayed start due to rains, procurement operations in both states are active, with payments to farmers being made swiftly via direct bank transfers.
  • Government steps up onion supplies via rail transport to control prices; 840 tonne reaches Delhi

    The government reported that 840 tonnes of buffer onions have arrived in Delhi via rail to counter high prices. The onions will primarily be sold through Azadpur Mandi and retail at Rs 35 per kg. This rail transport method aims at timely delivery and has already reached several other destinations, stabilizing prices across key states.
  • In a first, govt inks deal for contract farming of pulses

    The Indian government has initiated contract farming with farmers in Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Gujarat to grow pulses on 1,500 hectares to curb inflation and become self-sufficient. In light of rising inflation and reduced crop production, this pilot aims to increase pulse production and procurement for buffer stocks.
  • Centre procures 60.63 lakh tonnes of paddy so far in Punjab; Rs 1,22,00 cr paid to farmers till Oct 28

    The Centre announced that as of October 28, 2024, it has procured 60.63 lakh tonnes of paddy in Punjab, disbursing Rs 12,200 crore to farmers. With a target of 185 lakh tonnes for Kharif Marketing Season 2024-25, the procurement began on October 1, with 2,927 mandis operational across the state.
  • Govt unveils guidelines for seaweed imports to boost coastal economy

    The Ministry of Fisheries announced new guidelines for seaweed imports to address seed shortages and boost coastal economies. The framework includes strict biosecurity measures and approval procedures, targeting 1.12 million tonnes of seaweed production by 2025. This move supports research, job creation in coastal areas, and exports, ensuring environmental sustainability and economic growth.
  • 40 lakh tonnes of rice on the move in Punjab: What's govt trying to fix?

    The Centre plans to move 40 lakh tonnes of rice from Punjab within the next three-four months and create space for 20 lakh tonnes more. This aims to alleviate the current storage crunch and ensure smooth paddy procurement in Punjab. FCI will handle the weekly rice movement to other states to manage storage better.
  • Scientists suggest ways to Odisha paddy farmers for minimising loss due to cyclone Dana

    Agriculture scientists in Odisha suggest measures to minimise paddy crop damage due to cyclone Dana's heavy rain. Eight coastal districts likely to be affected. Farmers are advised to keep drainage channels open, properly stack and cover harvested rice, dry grains after rain, and use fumigation for storage pests.
  • Govt exempts parboiled rice, husked brown rice from export duty

    The government has removed export duties on parboiled rice and husked brown rice, effective from October 22. Previously, duties were slashed from 20% to 10%. This change follows last month's exemption of non-basmati white rice from export duty, aiming to boost exports and enhance farmers' income. Elections in Jharkhand and Maharashtra are next month.
  • In SC, Punjab blames centre; Haryana lists rewards, fines to curb farm fires

    Punjab blames lax central laws for its inability to enforce strict measures against stubble burning, citing amendments that replaced penal provisions with monetary penalties. In contrast, Haryana showcases commitment through incentives, penalties, and legal actions against violators to curb farm fires.
  • Retail inflation for farm, rural workers rises in Sept

    Retail inflation for farm and rural labourers rose to 6.36% and 6.39% in September from 5.96% and 6.08% in August, as per the labour ministry. The CPI-AL and CPI-RL indices climbed 7 points, reaching 1,304 and 1,316, reflecting increased costs compared to the previous year.
  • India's cotton output to fall on lower area, excess rain

    India's cotton output is expected to drop by 7.4% to 30.2 million bales in 2024/25 due to reduced planting area and excessive rainfall damage. This may lead to increased imports, rising to 2.5 million bales from 1.75 million, and a decrease in exports to 1.8 million bales from 2.85 million.
  • Gujarat to harvest a record crop of groundnut due to increase in area and yield, says SEA

    Groundnut production in Gujarat is projected to rise by 26% due to increased area and productivity, reaching 42.19 lakh tonnes. The average yield has improved to 2210 kg per hectare. However, scattered showers have affected early sown crops, causing market prices to fall below the MSP.
  • Heavy rains, delay in harvest to keep onions pricey this Diwali

    Onion prices, currently at ₹60-80/kg, are expected to stay high through Diwali due to heavy rainfall damaging crops in Maharashtra and other states, causing supply delays. This has led to a surge in food inflation, with tomatoes and cooking oils also seeing price hikes. The government is releasing buffer stock to manage the situation.
  • Relief on the way! Tomato prices in Delhi may drop as Maharashtra supply increases

    Tomato prices in Delhi-NCR have exceeded Rs 100 per kg due to supply disruptions from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The government is intervening through the NCCF to sell tomatoes at Rs 65 per kg and anticipates stabilization as supplies from Maharashtra increase.
  • ‘Kanda Trains’ to help ease onion prices before Diwali

    The government plans to stabilize onion prices by releasing 91,960 tonnes from buffer stocks via rail to key consumption centers and e-commerce platforms, selling at Rs 35/kg. This intervention aims to address the spike in vegetable prices, with onion prices nearing Rs 100/kg in retail markets.
  • 1,600 tonnes of onions coming to Delhi riding 'Kanda Express' for first time

    The government is set to transport 1,600 tonnes of onion buffer stock from Maharashtra to Delhi by rail to curb rising prices. This historic rail transport initiative, dubbed 'Kanda Express', aims to stabilize prices in Delhi-NCR. Additional plans include similar shipments to other states and increased retail interventions before Diwali.
  • MSP raised for seven Rabi crops, mustard big gainer

    The government raises MSP by up to 5% for seven rabi crops for the 2025-26 season. Mustard and rapeseed see the highest increase, followed by lentils and chana. This move aims to provide remunerative prices and encourage crop diversification, especially for edible oil and pulses.
  • Cabinet approves MSP for Rabi crops for marketing season 2025-26, mustard sees highest increase

  • Cabinet raises MSP of rabi crops for 2025-26

    Rabi Cops MSP Increase: The Union Cabinet has approved new Minimum Support Prices for Rabi crops for the 2025-26 season. Wheat MSP is increased by Rs 150 per quintal, while mustard MSP is raised by Rs 300 per quintal. The chana MSP is increased by Rs 210 per quintal. These changes aim to provide better returns to farmers and encourage more cultivation.
  • Cabinet approves MSP hike on Rabi crops, providing pre-Diwali relief to farmers

    In a significant boost for farmers ahead of Diwali, the Central Government has approved an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for key rabi crops. The decision was announced by Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw following a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
  • Soyabean production in country reaches 126 lakh tonnes: Trade body

    Soybean production in India has increased by about 6% to nearly 126 lakh tonnes due to favorable weather and improved farming methods. The productivity per hectare rose from 1,002 kg to 1,063 kg. India still imports about 60% of its edible oil needs, highlighting the need for increased domestic oilseed production.
  • A variety of paddy has found centre-stage in Delhi NCR's pollution debate

    Punjab's short-duration paddy variety PR-126 is in the spotlight for saving costs and combating pollution despite lower yields. It offers solutions for Delhi-NCR's stubble burning. Pusa-2090, a high-yielding variety matching PR-126's growth duration, may address yield concerns but is yet to see widespread use.
  • Punjab: Farmers block roads, squat on rail tracks to protest 'tardy' paddy purchase

    Punjab farmers blocked roads and railways protesting the slow procurement of paddy during the Kharif season. The agitation disrupted traffic in Ludhiana, Amritsar, and other towns. Farmer leaders criticised the state government's inefficiency. Rice millers and commission agents joined the protest, demanding better space management and commission rates.
  • NABARD sanctions Rs 770 crore for two irrigation projects in Jharkhand

    NABARD has sanctioned Rs 770 crore for the construction of two irrigation projects in Jharkhand, enhancing agricultural activities. These projects, in Palamu and Giridih districts, will provide irrigation to over 21,000 hectares of land, significantly boosting rural infrastructure development.
  • Rice prices surge by 10-15% in India as global demand rises

    Rice prices in India have surged by 10-15% due to a rise in global demand after the government lifted export curbs on non-basmati rice. The move follows a reduction in export duties and comes with the country's sufficient rice stock. Domestic prices are expected to stay firm until the new crop arrives.
  • Government to sell tomatoes at Rs 65/kg

    The government has begun selling tomatoes at Rs 65 per kg through mobile vans and retail outlets to curb soaring prices due to unseasonal rains damaging crops in key areas. October saw a 39% price rise, affecting home-cooked meals. This intervention falls under the price stabilisation fund to manage market rates effectively.
  • Indian farmers get just one-third of the price we pay for fruits and vegetables

    Indian farmers earn only about one-third of the final selling price for fruits and vegetables. Research suggests enhancing private markets, using e-NAM, and promoting farmer collectives to address this. Building cold storage and improving processing capacities are also advised. For dairy and poultry sectors, creating feed banks and promoting artificial insemination can boost productivity.
  • Tomato prices hit Rs 100 again: Here's why prices have skyrocketed in just a week

    Tomato prices have surged to Rs100-120 per kg in Nagpur due to unseasonal rains and a virus attack in Nashik, reducing supply. Farmers cite reduced tomato cultivation area and crop damage. However, some are profiting from the high prices. The situation is expected to stabilize in a month with fresh supply from Western Nashik.
  • Govt weighs herbicide-tolerant BT cotton, glyphosate use as industry pushes

    The government is evaluating complex policy decisions on Herbicide-tolerant BT cotton and the widespread application of glyphosate amidst industry pressures. An official committee is examining the implications, while an integrated weed management approach combining mechanisation, herbicides, and herbicide-tolerant varieties is being discussed.
  • PM Modi to release 18th instalment of Rs 20,000 cr under PM-KISAN; Maha farmers to get additional Rs 2,000 cr

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release Rs 20,000 crore for the 18th instalment of the PM-KISAN scheme, benefiting over 9.4 crore farmers. The event in Washim, Maharashtra will also see the launch of new technologies in animal husbandry and the dedication of solar parks. Around 2.5 crore farmers will join this event through webcasts nationwide.
  • RBI research says onion farmers get 36% of consumers' spend, pitches for futures trading, pvt mandis

    A Reserve Bank of India paper suggests reforms like increasing private mandis to help farmers get better prices for produce like tomato, onion, and potato. It highlights inefficiencies in the market and the need for leveraging e-NAM and promoting farmer produce organizations for better price discovery and risk management.
  • Cabinet approves ₹1 lakh crore for PM-RKVY and Krishonnati Yojana to boost food security and sustainable agriculture

    In a significant step toward enhancing food security and promoting sustainable agriculture, the Cabinet on Thursday approved the PM Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (PM-RKVY) and the Krishonnati Yojana (KY).
  • Big news for agricultural economy: This year, India got highest monsoon rains since 2020

    India experienced a four-year high in Southwest monsoon rains, with 108% of the long period average. This above-normal rainfall boosted Kharif crop sowing and is anticipated to benefit Rabi crops as well. Central and South Peninsula saw the highest rainfall percentages.
  • There're tougher seeds in India to counter tricks of rain and heat

    Climate change is causing unpredictable weather in Rayanpet, affecting traditional rice farming. Farmers are adopting climate-resilient rice varieties that offer better yields with less water and are disease-resistant. India's government promotes these seeds to safeguard food production, but logistical challenges remain in reaching and educating farmers.
  • Fixing seemingly minor issues faced by farmers can raise their income by up to 20%: Shivraj Singh Chouhan

    Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan emphasized solving minor issues to boost farmers' income by up to 20%. Discussed were contaminated water, replacing burnt transformers, reducing crop costs, ensuring fair prices, managing pesticide use, and improving access to government schemes and quality resources.
  • PM Kisan Yojana 18th Installment: How to check status, expected amount, eligibility, and eKYC process

    PM Kisan Yojana: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release the 18th installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) Yojana on October 5, 2024. The scheme offers ₹6,000 annually to eligible landholding farmers in India, divided into three installments of ₹2,000. Farmers must complete mandatory eKYC formalities to ensure direct benefit transfer into their bank accounts. This article provides detailed instructions on checking beneficiary status, completing eKYC, and understanding the scheme's eligibility criteria.
  • India's monsoon rains hit four-year high in boost to crop output

    India experienced its highest monsoon rainfall since 2020, with above-average precipitation for three consecutive months, aiding recovery from last year's drought. The abundant rain, critical for agriculture, may damage some summer-sown crops but also enhance soil moisture for winter crops, potentially allowing relaxed trade restrictions.
  • Your olive oil might be unfit for human consumption

    Olive oil: Extreme weather events are impacting grocery prices globally, with olive oil seeing a significant rise due to droughts in the Mediterranean. This has led to increased fraud cases, with low-quality oils being passed off as extra virgin. Other commodities like orange juice are also affected by climate-related issues.
  • Govt mulls hike in sugar MSP, ethanol prices

    The government is considering raising ethanol prices, increasing the minimum selling price of sugar, and reviewing sugar exports for the 2024-25 season. Food Minister Pralhad Joshi mentioned that discussions are ongoing with the petroleum ministry regarding ethanol prices and a committee is evaluating the MSP of sugar, which has been unchanged since February 2019.
  • Vegetable prices surge as rains damage crops and roadways

    Vegetable prices have surged due to excessive rainfall damaging crops and roadways in key producing states. Prices of essentials like onions and tomatoes have risen significantly. The government may intervene to stabilize prices by selling vegetables through mobile vans. Traders report delays in sowing and increased pest issues affecting supply.
  • Govt may raise sugar and ethanol prices to boost local supplies: Food Minister

    In a bid to boost local supplies in the country, Food Minister on Thursday announced that India is considering raising domestic prices of ethanol and sugar.
  • UP to set up radiation treatment plant near Jewar Airport to boost mango exports

    The Uttar Pradesh government plans to set up a radiation treatment plant near Jewar International Airport to aid mango growers in exporting to the US and Europe. This facility will reduce transportation costs and risks, enhancing fruit quality. The plant will operate on a public-private partnership model, streamlining the export process for local farmers.
  • Govt pushes for scalable food security measures, local crop promotion

    India aims to integrate scalable food security measures into existing government programmes while promoting local crop varieties. Agriculture Secretary Devesh Chaturvedi flagged the need for a focused approach and suggested involving Farmer Producer Organizations. The United Nations World Food Programme's country strategic plan for India includes enhancing social protection systems, promoting diverse diets, empowering women, and building climate-resilient food systems.
  • Foodgrain production in 2023-24 higher than previous year: Final estimates

    The country's foodgrain production for 2023-24 is estimated at a record 332.298 MT, surpassing the previous year's 329.687 MT. Despite drought-like conditions and erratic rainfall due to El Nino, rice and wheat production also reached new highs. The government restricted exports of several items to manage domestic supplies.
  • India's foodgrain production hits record 332.22 mn tonne in 2023-24: Govt

    India's foodgrain production hit a record 332.22 million tonnes in the 2023-24 crop year, driven by bumper wheat and rice output. Wheat production reached 113.29 million tonnes, while rice production touched 137.82 million tonnes. However, pulses and oilseeds production declined due to drought-like conditions in southern states and prolonged dry spells.
  • India Monsoon 2024, in facts & figures: Strong finish, good sowing

    Despite a slow start, rainfall picked up pace helping farmers with sowing. Overall farm productivity is expected to be higher, which should help tame the year-long rising trend in food inflation.
  • From Peels to Fuel: Potatoes may soon quench thirst of your car

    The Central Potato Research Institute plans to establish a pilot plant to convert potato waste into ethanol. India, the world's second-largest potato producer, faces significant post-harvest losses. The plant will be set up in high-production regions like Uttar Pradesh or West Bengal, using potato waste and substandard potatoes for ethanol production.
  • Indian refiners cancel 1,00,000 metric tons of palm oil purchases on duty hike, price rise

    Indian refiners have cancelled 1,00,000 metric tons of palm oil purchases for delivery between October and December. This move follows New Delhi's decision to raise import duties due to a surge in overseas prices. The cancellations may impact Malaysian palm oil prices and shift demand towards soyoil.
  • India's monsoon begins to retreat after delivering surplus rains

    India's monsoon rains have started retreating from the northwest, nearly a week later than usual, according to the India Meteorological Department. The extended rains have replenished reservoirs but damaged some crops ready for harvest. Monsoon rains this season have been 5.5% above average, with further retreat expected in parts of West Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Gujarat.
  • Govt steps up buffer stock sale to control onion prices after export duty removal

    The government is taking steps to control onion prices by increasing the sale of buffer stock in wholesale markets. Consumer Affairs Secretary Nidhi Khare announced plans to sell onions at a subsidised rate of Rs 35 per kg nationwide, especially in cities where prices are high. The government is optimistic about the upcoming kharif onion crop.