Long Melon

General Information

Long melon is popularly known as “Kakri”. It belongs to the family of cucurbitaceae and its botanical name is Cucumis melo. It is native to India. It has light green color fruits having smooth skin and white flesh. It is mainly eaten raw as a salad with salt and pepper. The fruit contains cooling effect therefore it is mainly eaten in summer season.


It is grown in variety of soil types ranging from sandy loam to heavy soil having good drainage system. The ph of soil 5.8-7.5 is good for crop cultivation.

Popular Varieties With Their Yield

Arka Sheetal: Released by IIHR, Lucknow. It has light green color fruits which are medium long in size. Fruits have an average weight of 90-100g each. The variety gets mature in 100-110 days. It gives an average yield of 145qtl/acre.

Lucknow Ageti

Other state varieties:

Punjab longmelon-1:
Released in 1995. Early maturing variety. They have long vines, light green color stem and thin and long fruits. It gives an average yield of 86qtl/acre. 

Karnal selection: Prolific bearer. It has tender fruits which are light green in color, long in length and flesh is crispy with good flavor.

Arka sheetal: Released from IIHR-3, Lucknow. It has medium long and green color fruits. Fruits having crispy flesh having good flavor. The crop gets mature in 90-110 days.

Land Preparation

Well prepared land is required for long melon cultivation. To bring the soil to fine tilth, 2-3 ploughings followed by harrowing are necessary.


Time of sowing:
February-Mach month is appropriate for seed sowing.

Sowing depth:
Sowing depth of 2.5m is used.


Use 1.5m of line spacing and 60cm of row spacing. Two seeds are sown at one place for good stand.

Method of sowing:
Seeds are directly sown on bed or ridge.


Seed rate:
Use 1kg/acre of seeds.

Seed treatment:
Treatment with Benlate or Bavistin @2.5 gm/kg of seed is used to cure from soil borne diseases.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)

74-90 90 25


Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)

33-40 15 25


Application of cow dung@80-90qtl/acre is done at the time of land preparation. Overall long melon crop required Nitrogen@33-40kg in form of Urea@74-90kg/acre, Phosphorus@15kg in form of SSP@90kg/acre and Potash@15kg in form of MOP@25kg/acre. Apply one third dose of Nitrogen and full dose of Phosphorus and Potash at time of sowing. Apply remaining dose of Nitrogen during early period of growth.



Immediate irrigations after sowing are required. In summers, 4-5 irrigations are required and in rainy season depending upon requirement irrigation is done.

Weed Control

Two shallow hoeing’s required before spreading of vines to control the weed.

Plant protection

Aphid and Thrips
  • Pest and their control:

Aphid and Thrips: They suck the sap from the leaves resulting in yellowing and drooping of leaves. Thrips results in curling of leaves, leaves become cup shaped or curved upward.
If infestation is observed in field, to control spray the crop with Thiamethoxam@5gm/15Ltr of water.


Beetles: The symptoms are damage to flowers, leaves and stems.
If infestation is observed, spraying of Malathion@2ml/ ltr of water Carbaryl@2gm/ltr will help to get rid of beetles.

Fruit Fly

Fruit fly: It is a serious pest found in longmelon. Females fly lay eggs below epidermis of young fruits. Later on maggots feed on pulp afterward fruits starts rotting and get drop.
Treatment: Foliar application of Neem oil @3.0%is given to cure the crop from fruit fly pest.

Powdery Mildew
  • Disease and their control:

Powdery Mildew: Patchy, White powdery growth appears on upper surface of leaves also on main stem of infected plant. It parasitizes the plant using it as a food source. In severe infestation it causes defoliation and premature fruit ripening.
If infestation is observed take Spray of water soluble Sulphur@20gm/10Ltr of water 2-3times with interval of 10 days.


Anthracnose: Anthracnose affected foliage appears scorched appearance. 
As a preventive measure, treat seed with Carbendazim@2gm/kg of seed. If infestation is observed in field, take spray of Mancozeb@2gm or Carbendazim@2.5gm/liter of water.


Downy Mildew

Downy mildew: Caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Symptoms are mottling and purplish color spots are seen on lower surface of the leaves.
If infestation is observed, Dithane M-45@400gm or Dithane Z-78@400gm/150ltr water per acre is used to get rid of this disease.

Fusarium Wilt

Fusarium wilt: It affects the vascular tissues of the plant which result in immediate wilting.
Drenching with Captan or Hexocap @0.2-0.3% solution is used to get rid of fusarium wilt.

Cucurbit phyllody: Symptoms are internodes shortening and stunted growth of plant. As a result crop does not bear fruits.
Application of Furadan@13kg/acre at the time of sowing will helps to prevent from this disease. If infestation is observed, then spraying of Dimecron@0.05% at the interval of 10 days is done.


Fruits are ready to harvest in 60-70 days. Harvesting is mainly done when fruits attain full size and are tender. Harvesting is mainly done at the interval of 3-4 days in the peak season.

Seed production

Keep isolation distance of 1000m from other varieties of wild melon, muskmelon, snap melon and long melon. Remove disease infected plants from field. When fruits are mature i.e. they changes their color into dull. Then they are crushed with hands in fresh water and then separate seeds from pulp. Seeds which are settled in bottom are collected for seed purpose.