Opium Crop


For good growth and yield, it required fertile well drained black soil or light loamy soils. Optimum pH of soil should be around 7. 

Popular Varieties With Their Yield

Chetak: High yielding variety. Average plant height is upto 80-90cm. Flowers are of white color and capsules are big and boll shape. Gives more yield in high fertile soil. Contain about 12.5% Morphine. Gives average morphine yield of 2kg/acre.

Land Preparation

Depending upon soil type, take two-three ploughing and bring soil to fine tilth. Do leveling of soil so that water stagnation will not occurred in field. At time of field preparation, apply well decomposed cow@4ton/acre.


Time of sowing
For Rajasthan, optimum time for opium sowing is from last week of October to first week of November month. As seeds are small, mix seeds with fine sand and then used for sowing.

Prepared beds of 3meter width and 5meter length. On bed mark row at distance of 30cm and then sow seeds in row. Keep plant to plant spacing of 30cm.   

Method of sowing
For sowing broadcasting or line sowing methods are used. Because of higher seed rate, difficulty in inter-culture operation and poor crop stand, Line sowing is preferred than broadcasting.


Seed Rate
For sowing one acre land, seed rate of 2 kg is sufficient. 

Seed Treatment

Before sowing, treat seeds with Mancozeb@4gm per kg of seeds.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)

80 100 10


Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)

36 16 4


Apply Nitrogen@36kg, Phophorus@16kg and Potash@4kg in form of Urea@80kg and Single Super Phosphate@100kg and Muriate of Potash@10kg per acre. Apply full dose of Phosphorus, Potash and half dose Nitrogen at time of sowing. Divide remaining amount of Nitrogen in two equal parts, Apply first dose 40-50 days after sowing and give second dose before flower formation.


Overall crop required eight to ten irrigations. Apply light irrigation immediately after sowing. Then depending upon soil type, irrigate field at interval of 6-7 days. Depending on climate conditions, and requirement increased irrigation interval, later on irrigated field with interval of 10-12 days. Stop irrigation 8-10 days before lancing operation.

Weed Control

Depending upon weed intensity take two to three weeding operations. To control weed chemically, apply Isoproturon@ 500gm/acre mixed in 200Ltr of water, on third days after sowing. Take first weeding 30 days after weedicide application.

Plant protection

Capsule Borer
  • Pest and their control:

Capsule Borer: It feeds on flower heads and seeds.

Take spray of Bt. Formulation@2gm/Ltr of water.

Root Damaging Insects

Root Damaging Insects: As a preventive measure apply Quinalphos@200 ml per acre at time of field preparation.


Aphid: They attacked on leaves and suck the sap.

Take spray of Neem Oil@5gm/Ltr of water. Or  NSKE 5%@50gm per Ltr of water

Cut Worm

Cut worm: Larva attacked younger crop in night and cut at base of plant.

Hand picked larva and destroyed them away from field. Take spray of NSKE 5%@50gm per Ltr of water.

Downy Mildew
  • Disease and their control:

Downy Mildew: Take four spray of Metalaxyl 0.2%@2gm per Ltr of water on 35th, 55th, 75th and 95th days after sowing

Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew: It is generally observed at later stage of growth. In February, take spray of Wettable Sulphur@1kg/acre or Carbendazim@400gm/acre.


Flowering in opium starts 95-115 days after sowing. After flower formation, capsules get mature 15-20 days after flowering. When capsule changes its color from greenish to light green and capsule become compact, it is correct stage for lancing and latex collection. Complete lancing operation in afternoon and collect latex next day in morning. Keep repeating lancing operation after every three days. Near about 3-56 times lancing operation can be done on each capsule.

After last lancing, crop is left for drying for 20-25days. After proper drying picked capsules and cut crop with sickle. Dried harvested capsule in open yard and collect seeds from it.

General Information

Opium poppy is annual medicinal herb, contains several indispensable alkaloids such as morphine, codeine and thebaine. Morphine is used for relieving extreme pain whereas codeine is used in manufacturing of cough syrups. India is one of the few countries that legally grow opium poppy and legally produces opium gum for medicinal purpose. The Government of India, issue licensed to opium growing farmer. During every year, CBN officer, measure each and every field and check for excess cultivation than licensed area. At present Govt. of India permit opium cultivation in selected areas of three States namely Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.