Jojoba Cultivation

General Information

Jojoba is evergreen desert shrub. It grows slowly but live long upto 150 years. It is mainly grown for oil purpose. Oil extracted from seeds is used as lubricating oil for high speed machinery operating at high temperatures and pressures. Also it is used in cosmetics. i.e hair oil, shampoo, soap, face creams, sunscreen compounds, lipsticks etc. Also use in as low calorie cooking oil, salad oil, vegetable oil.

Considering its important and adoptability in adverse climatic conditions, Govt. of Rajasthan undertaken jojoba plantation. Its cultivation in the desert of Rajasthan increases level of farming by generating employment in rural areas and using wastelands for economic use.

At present, area under jojoba cultivation is about 350 ha. Out of which near about 90% area is in Rajasthan. Jhunjhunu, Churu, Sikar, Jodhpur and Sri Ganganagar districts are under jojoba plantation, earlier these lands consider unfit for cultivation. Along with Rajasthan and Gujarat. Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the potential states for jojoba plantation.


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It can be cultivated on wide range soils. It gives best result when grown on well drained and well aerated soils. pH of soil should be in range of 5 to 8. Plant is tolerant to acidic and alkaline soil conditions. Avoid heavy and water-logged soils for cultivation. It can also cultivate on low fertile soils. Subtropical coastal belt is better suited for Jojoba growth.

Land Preparation

Give two to three ploughings then carry out harrowing with disc harrow, break clods and bring soil to fine tilth. Make field weed free to avoid competition for water and fertilizer. Prepared rows in North-South direction to avoid damage by high wind. 


Time of sowing
Sow seeds in month of October and March. Seedlings are ready for transplantation in month of February of next year and July, respectively.

Transplant seedlings at spacing of 4 x 2m (this spacing accommodates 500 plants/acre) or at 2 x 2 m (1000 plants/acre). Adopt spacing in such way that it will facilitate easy pollination of female flowers with the pollens of male flowers and gives higher yield. 
Sowing Depth
Seedlings are transplanted in pits of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm size.

Method of sowing

Direct sowing of seeds or transplanting of seedlings or tissue culture plant in main field.


Seed Rate
About 2-2.4kg of fresh seeds are required for raising seedlings for one acre land.

Seed Treatment
Before sowing, seeds are soaked in the warm or fresh water for 8-10 hours. Then treat seeds with Carbendazim@2gm/litres of water for 3-5 minutes and then used for sowing after air drying the seeds.

Nursery Management And Transplanting

For propagation purpose seeds, seedlings, rooted cuttings are used. Direct sowing method produces weak, uneven growth plants. Also they are susceptible to pest and disease. Therefore sowing seeds in nursery and then transplanting is more appropriate and productive method. The yield obtained from transplanted seedling is 20-40% more than direct sowing method.

Raise nursery twice a year in month of October and March month. Use quality seeds purchased from reliable source. Raised seeds in polybags, bags are approximately 23 x 10cm in size and having thickness 300gauge containing sandy soil along with well decomposed cowdung in ratio of 3:1. For drainage purpose, punched 6-8 holes around the lower half of the bags. After sowing provide water for twice a day and maintain proper moisture in bag. When seedlings become one month old, provide water once a day. To make seedlings strong, change of place of plants twice in the nursery. When seedlings become 5 months old, they are ready for plantation. Plant two seedlings per pit and one plant per pit in case of rooted cutting. For 10 rows of female plants, keep one row of male plants.


During initial years of plantation, inter-cropping can be done to obtain additional income. Low heighted crop having no competition for fertilizer and water, also suitable for desert areas are selected for inter-cropping. Moth, gram, green gram, tamarind, groundnut, vegetables of cucurbitaceae family etc. can be successfully grown as intercrops with jojoba.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)

65 95 50


Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)

30 15 30


During first year, apply Nitrogen@30kg (Urea@65kg), Phosphorus@15kg (SSP@95kg) and Potash@30kg (MOP@50kg) per acre respectively. At the time of growth and development of plant, increase dose of Nitrogen and Potash@6kg/acre/year along with dose of Phosphorus@4kg/acre/year. Apply fertilizer in two equal splits; apply half dose of fertilizer once in July-August and second dose in February month.


For proper establishment of plant, apply light irrigation during intial years, i.e upto two years. Irrigation to fully developed plants depending upon soil texture, climate and plants water requirement. Mature plants can survive in water stress conditions but if irrigation facility is available, provide timely irrigation. It will help in proper growth of plant and gives good yield.
Flowering and seed ripening stage are critical for irrigation. In case of water scarcity, apply water at interval of 15 days during flowering and seed ripening stage.
Drip irrigation is most efficient method for jojoba cultivation. 

Pruning and Training

After harvesting  in June and July, carryout a light pruning of the twigs and branches every year for better productivity.

Plant protection

  • Pest and their control:

Termites : Commonly observed at seedling stage.
At time of last ploughing, apply Phorate@4-5kg/acre in termite affected field.
If infestation is observed, take spray of Chlorpyriphos (20 EC)@1ltr per acre.

Seedling Root Rot
  • Disease and their control;

Seedling Root Rot: Observed at seedling stage and causes mortality.
If infestation is observed, do drenching of Carbendazim@1gm + Streptocycline@1gm + Copper Oxychloride@2gm dissolved in 10 liter of water/plant. 


It starts to give yield, from fourth year of plantation and continue upto 150 years. Harvesting is done manually. Ripen fruits are harvested by hands. All fruits do not mature at the same time so carryout harvesting as fruits get ripen.


Jojoba whole fruits contain 36% hull and 64% seed containing about 50% oil in it. After harvesting of ripen fruits, foreign materials like sand/dust, stones, mud ball, sticks, steams, leaves are removed. The cleaned the seeds and dried in sunlight on Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) drying floor.