Rapeseed Information

General Information

Rapeseed is also known as oilseed rape, rape, rapeseed, rapa and rappi.  Rapeseed is an early maturing crop and is sown first among all rabi crops. The plant attains the height of 100cm. The plant bears bright yellow color flowers. The crop is mainly grown because of its oil rich properties. It is the third largest source of vegetable oil in India.


Sandy, loamy and light soil is good for the cultivation of rapeseed. Avoid cultivation in basic and saline soil.

Popular Varieties With Their Yield

T-9 (1978): Suitable for irrigated areas having good drainage system. The variety gets mature in 85-100 days and gives yield 5-6qtl/acre. It contains brown color seeds which contains 44% of oil content.
Sangam (1974): Suitable for irrigated areas. The variety gets mature in 105 days and gives an average yield of 6qtl/acre. The seeds contain 42-44% of oil content.
TL 15 (1982): The variety gets mature in 85-90 days and gives an average yield of 4qtl/acre.

Land Preparation

Mainly rapeseed cultivation is done in irrigated areas having good drainage system.  First ploughing is done in the monsoon season which is followed by 3-4 further ploughings. Land should be prepared before 3-4 weeks of sowing.


Time of sowing:
Mid-September to Mid-October is the appropriate time for sowing.

Use row spacing of 30cm.

Sowing depth:

Use 4-5cm of sowing depth.


Seed rate:
Use seed rate of 1-2kg/acre.

Seed treatment:
Before sowing, seeds are treated with Mancozeb @2.5gm or Captan @3gm/kg seed to protect seeds from soil borne diseases.


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)

30 95 -


Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)

13 15 #


For irrigated areas, use cow dung @30-40qtl/acre and mix in soil at the time of land preparation.

At time of sowing, apply Nitrogen@13kg in form of Urea@30kg per acre and Phosphorus@15kg in form of SSP@95kg/acre. Half dose of nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus is applied at the time of sowing. Rest of the half dose is applied at the time of first irrigation.


For good cultivation, rapeseed requires 2 irrigations. First irrigation is given after 30-35 days of sowing and before flower development and then second irrigation is after 70-80 days of seed sowing. If only single irrigation is available then it is given after fruit development.

Weed Control

If amount of plant is more than weeding is given after 20-25 days of sowing.

Plant protection

  • Disease and their control:

Wilt: If wilting is observed then spray of Sulphur powder@8kg/acre is given.

Alternaria Blight

Alternaria blight: Leaves get discolored and drop from plant. Sometime they seed borne. Seedling and older leaves are more susceptible to this disease.
To avoid its infestation, do crop rotation, don’t sow dill crop continuously on same field. Use clean seeds. Before sowing, dip seed in hot water@50°C for 25-30min. If infestation is observed, do foliar application of Mancozeb@3gm/Ltr of water.

Painted Bug
  • Pest and their control:

Painted bug: It mainly harms the crop after 7-10 days of sowing. To control this pest, spraying of Methyl Parathion 2% or Malathion 5% @8-10kg/acre is done.

Diamond Back Moth

Diamond black moth: To control this pest, spray of Quinalphos 25 EC @300ml/acre is done.

White Fly

White fly: If White fly is observed then spraying of Methyl Parathion 5% @10kg/acre and in irrigated areas Dimethoate 30 EC @350ml/acre is done.

White Bug

White bug: If infestation is observed then spraying of Actara@80g/acre in 100 liter water is given. If needed again spray is given after the interval of 20 days.


Harvesting is done in end December to first week of January. Harvesting is done when leaf fall is observed and when legumes turn yellow. It gives an average yield of 4-6qtl/acre.