Soybean Farming

General Information

Soybean called as golden beans is belongs to legume family and mostly used for oilseed purpose. It is native of east Asia. Oil extracted from soybean contain small amount of saturated fat. It is second popular oilseed of India after groundnut. In India, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, AP, UP are major soybean producing states. 


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    Harvesting Temperature

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    Harvesting Temperature

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    Harvesting Temperature



It gives good result, when grown on well drained, fertile loamy soils. pH of 6 to 7.5 is favourable for optimum yield of soybean. Water logged, saline/alkaline soils are not suitable for its cultivation. Low temperature affects crop severely.

Popular Varieties With Their Yield

JS 93-05: Resistant to collar rot, pod and bud blight. Seeds are greenish yellow color.

JS 95-60
: Ready to harvest in 82-88 days. It is resistant to root rot and various insect, pest.

JS 335: Early maturing variety resistant to bacterial blight and tolerant to stem fly, bud blight. Gives average yield of 10-12qtl/acre.

Pratap Soya 1, Pratap Soya 45 (RKS 45),

JS 97-52
: High yielding variety gives average yield of 10-12qtl/acre. Ready to harvest in 98-102 days. It is resistant to yellow mosaic virus, root rot etc.

RKS 24

VL Soya 63

VL Soya 59NRC 37 (Ahilya 4):
Seeds are of light to dark brown color. It gives resistance to collar rot, pod and bud blight also resistant to stem fly and leaf minor. 

MAUS 47: Resistant to bud blight, collar rot, Anthracnose, gray semilooper etc. Seeds are yellow color.

MAUS 61-2: Seeds are of yellow color. Resistant to pod shattering. Seeds are light brown color.

Indira Soya 9

Other states variety

Alankar, Ankur, Bragg, Lee, PK 262, PK 308, PK 327, PK 416, PK 472, PK 564, Pant Soybean 1024, Pant Soybean 1042, Pusa 16, Pusa 20, Pusa 22, Pusa 24, Pusa 37, Shilajeet, VL soya 2, VL soya 47, MAUS 158, VL soya 65, VL soya 59, SL 525, Pratap Soya 2, TAMS 9821, Phule Kalyani (DS 228), Pusa 9814, Co (SOY)-3, LSB-1, Hara soya.

Land Preparation

In month of April or after harvesting of Rabi crop, do deep ploughing. It will help to destroyed egg's of Insect. After ploughing for three-four times carryout planking operation and levelled soil so that water stagnation will not occurred in field. 


Time of sowing
For soybean, optimum time for cultivation is from third week of June to Middle of July. Sow seeds only when, sufficient moisture is present in soil (atleast 50-60 mm rainfall received for 2-3 days).
For sowing use row to row spacing of 10-12 inch and plant to plant spacing of 4-7cm.

Sowing Depth

Under optimum moisture content, sow seeds at depth of 3-4cm. Avoid deep sowing as it will affect germination.

Method of sowing
Sow seeds with help seed drill.


Seed Rate
Use seed rate of 25-30kg for sowing in one acre land.

Seed Treatment
To protect seeds from soil borne diseases, treat seeds with Thiram + Carbendazim or Captan@3gm per kg of seeds. After chemical treatment, treat seeds with Trichoderma viride@4-5gm/kg of seeds. 


Fertilizer Requirement (kg/acre)

25 150 15

Nutrient Requirement (kg/acre)

8 24 8


Apply FYM or well decomposed cowdung@4ton/acre. Also apply Nitrogen@10kg, Phosphorus@24kg and Potash@8kg/acre in form of Urea@25kg and SSP@150kg and MOP@15kg per acre at time of sowing. Along with these nutrients apply Sulphur@8kg/acre.

To obtain good growth and optimum yield, take spray of Urea@3kg/150Ltr of water on 60th and 75th day after sowing.

Weed Control

To keep field weed free, two hand weeding are required, take first hand weeding 15-20 days after sowing and second 30-40 days after sowing.

To control weed chemically, after sowing, within two days, take spray of Pendimethalin@900ml/acre in 100-200Ltrs of water or apply Imazethapyr@150-170ml/acre in 150-200Ltr water as post-emergence herbicide, 15 to 20 days after sowing.


As it is rainfed crop it does not required irrigation. But if needed apply irrigation depending upon rainfall conditions. Irrigation at time of pod filling stage is necessary. Water stress at this period will affect yield drastically.

Plant protection

White Fly
  • Pest and their control:

White Fly: For white fly control, take spray of Thiamethoxam@40gm or Triazophos@200ml/acre. If necessary take second spray 10days after first spray

Tobacco Caterpillar

Tobacco caterpillar: If infestation is observed, take spray of Acephate 57SP@800gm/acre or Chlorpyriphos 20EC@ 1.5Ltr/acre. If necessary take second spray 10days after first spray.  

Blister Beetle

Blister beetle: They cause damage at flowering stage. They feed on flowers, buds thus prevent grain formation.
If infestation is observed, take spray of Indoxacarb 14.5SC@200ml or Acephate 75SC@800gm/acre. Carry out spraying in evening hours and if necessary take second spray 10 days after first spray.  

Yellow Mosaic Virus
  • Disease and their control:

Yellow mosaic virus: It is spread due to white fly. Irregular yellow, green patches are observed on leaves. Pods are not developed on infected plants.

Grow yellow mosaic virus resistant varieties. For white fly control, take spray of Thiamethoxam@40gm, Triazophos@ 200ml/acre. If necessary take second spray 10 days after first spray. 


Rust: If infestation is observed in field, take spray of Hexaconazole or Propiconazol@10ml in 10Ltr water. If necessary take its second spray at interval of 15 days.

Cercospora Leaf Spot

Cercospora leaf spot: As a preventive measure, take spray of Carbendazim 50WP or Thiophanatemethyl 70WP@ 500gm in 200Ltr water/acre. 


Crop is ready for harvesting when pods become dry and leaves changes their color to yellow and fall off. Harvest crop with sickle or by hand. After harvesting, carry out threshing operation. 


After drying, carry out proper cleaning of seeds. Remove small size seeds,damaged seeds and crop stalks.