Production of Crops
Through Vaccine

Production of crops through vaccine

  • Neel Harit Shaival vaccine: Beneficial for rice crop. Along with nitrogen it also provides organic and plant growth elements. To treat one acre rice crop, 500gm packet is enough. 8-12kg nitrogen per acre is beneficial for crop.
  • Azolla vaccine: This is an ideal biological system, which helps in nitrogen fixation in the paddy fields in the hotter direction. Azolla produces 10-12kg per acre of nitrogen.
  • Green manure: Grow green manure once in a year to maintain the carbonic content in the fields. Pulse crops, tree leaves and weeds after sowing are used in green manure. Pulse crop family produces 10-25ton green manure. By sowing them, 25-40kg per acre of nitrogen is produced.
  • Dhaincha: This crop is ready for transplanting in main field in 40-60 days. The crop produces 20-25kg of nitrogen per acre. For sowing, use seed rate of 12-15kg per acre. 2-3 irrigations are necessary. Other than this use Neel Harit Shaivaal vaccine, Arbascular mycorrhiza neutrilink vaccine, etc is also beneficial.
  • Compost vaccine: With the use of this vaccination,in 6 to 9 weeks good compost is made from the rice straw. It produces 20-40kg per acre of nitrogen. A single packet contains 500gm vaccine which is used for 1ton agricultural residues to make compost.
  • Rhizobium vaccine: Vaccination of rhizobium is used for pulses, oilseeds and fodder crops. It produces 20-40kg per acre of nitrogen. It increases 25-30% of crop yield.
  • Azotobacter vaccine: It is an independent free bacterium. Its use is done in wheat, rice, maize, bajra, tomato, potato, brinjal, onion, cotton, mustard etc. It produces 6-8kg nitrogen per acre. It helps in increasing yield of crop upto 10-20%.
  • Azospirillum vaccine: It is used in cereal crops, for example in sorghum, bajra, finger millet, cereals and oats etc. It is also beneficial for fodder crops. It produces 6-8kg per acre of nitrogen. The production of fodder crops increases.
  • Phosphorus solubilizing bacterial vaccine: Phosphorus is an important element for plants. By this vaccination the insoluble phosphorus gets converted into soluble phosphorus which is available for plants.

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