Zaid needs to be looked after the crops

February 10 2021

Maintenance, care has its own importance in agriculture or simply, agriculture and these words are closely related. The time for sowing of Zayed crops has already started from last month but due to the falling temperature this year, sowing of seeds of pumpkin crop melon, melon, gourd, tinda, pumpkin, bitter gourd etc. if directly - directly along the river banks in the fields If done, the fall in germination will not be surprising. Falling temperature has a direct effect on germination and once germination has been affected, the idea of ​​good plant numbers and good production will be meaningless. Farmers should fill sand soil / compost mixture in small polythene bags and put seeds in it and keep the bags in the shade. Plants should be prepared by spraying with sprinklers, then these 2-3 sprouted plants should be planted in the main field so that the plants have the power to bear the excess of the environment.

For more satisfactory germination, after soaking the seeds in lukewarm water for 2-3 hours, if sown in polythene, it will be beneficial. In this way, if we take the program of sowing of Zayed crop in the current season, it will be more useful. Sowing of okra, groundnut, sesame in the major crops is the month of February, it is good to increase their sowing for a few days only after looking at the possible temperature so that germination is avoided. It is worth mentioning that in the current season, there is a lot of temperature fluctuations which have to be studied to counteract germination. So keep this in mind before sowing so that the purpose of additional income from Zayed can be fulfilled. Similarly, moong, If sowing urad is also done in the month of April, then it would be better. Note that as much as kharif / rabi seeds are required to be seeded, treatment of zayed seeds will also be necessary as most of the commodities have hidden mildew on the outer surface of the seeds which can affect germination and over time leaves. Various diseases can also be a factor. In pumpkin crops, the number of male florists is higher than the female flower, as a result growth controls must be used so that more and more female flowers can be produced and produced. Spraying growth control in 4-6 leaf stage after germination is considered beneficial. Should be done so that more and more female flowers are obtained and more fruits can be formed. Spraying growth control in 4-6 leaf stage after germination is considered beneficial. Should be done so that more and more female flowers are obtained and more fruits can be formed. Spraying growth control in 4-6 leaf stage after germination is considered beneficial.

Keep in mind that the use of chemical fertilizers along with cow dung manure also needs to be done as recommended. Targeted production can be achieved only by irrigation in critical state with good seeds, seed treatment, rich nutrients. If the system of keeping the crops above the soil by supporting the vine, if it becomes a strong pavilion, then the quality of the fruit will increase greatly. If the fruit is on the ground, then it will be necessary to reverse them. It should also be maintained with the same value.


This news has not been edited by Apni Kheti staff but has been published by various news feeds

Source: Krishak Jagat