Paddy worth Rs 125 crore in danger

June 23 2021

Monsoon rains have intensified in most parts of Chhattisgarh, but even after six months, paddy has not been lifted from the procurement centers. Five lakh tonnes of paddy worth about Rs 125 crore is still lying in the centres. Paddy has been soaked in many procurement centers and due to moisture in many centers, paddy has started sprouting. According to the government report, the paddy has not been fully lifted in 24 out of 28 districts of the state.

Food department officials of several districts have admitted to soaking and spoiling of paddy in informal discussions with Naiduniya reporters. At the same time, some officers said that even if the paddy is saved from getting wet, the quality of paddy will be affected due to the weather. Meanwhile, the politics of the state has started heating up regarding paddy soaking. BJP has formed a committee to assess the damage.

Purchased about 15 thousand cap covers in two years

In order to keep the paddy safe in the procurement centers, about 15,000 cap covers have been procured in two years. More than Rs 16.50 crore has been spent on this. Drainage system is made in procurement centers with cap cover for safe storage of paddy. Pesticides etc. are also used.

Quality will also be affected due to weather

Even if the paddy is saved from getting wet due to rain, the quality of the paddy kept in the bottom borough can be affected. Food Controller of Durg district CP Dipankar has said that the information about how much paddy has been damaged due to rain will be available only after the completion of lifting. But the paddy has been kept in the procurement centers by putting stakes, due to rain, the quality of paddy kept below can be affected.

Politics on paddy, BJP formed inquiry committee

The BJP has formed a committee to investigate the soaking of paddy kept in the collection centers due to rain. The investigation will go to the collection centers and assess the damage and submit its report to the party. The state coordinator of the program, Gaurishankar Shrivas, has told that a committee has been formed in every district to inquire about the damage caused to the collection centers due to rain. The committee will include district MPs, former MPs, MLAs, former MLAs, district presidents and office bearers of BJP Kisan Morcha.

Collectors were instructed to expedite the lifting of paddy

Paddy has been safely stored in the procurement centres. Sheds have been built in many procurement centres. Along with this, adequate cap covers have been provided to the committees for rain protection. All the collectors have been instructed to expedite the lifting of paddy- Amarjit Bhagat, Food Minister


This news has not been edited by Apni Kheti staff but has been published by various news feeds

Source: Nai Dunia