For the first time in the country, custom processing centers are being opened in MP, farmers will get these benefits

July 16 2021

For the first time in the country, custom processing centers are being opened in Madhya Pradesh (MP). It started in Bhopal. Opening of this center will benefit lakhs of farmers. Now the farmer will be able to make the product of his crop and sell it from the farm to the market. 

Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said that this scheme was launched for the first time in the country. This will give an opportunity to educated unemployed youth farmers. If units are installed in the fields, then the unemployed will get employment in rural areas. The income of farmers will increase rapidly. Products sold in the market will also be available at cheap prices. With this scheme, the farmer will be able to sell the crop of his farm directly by converting it into a product.

Target of opening 260 centers

Kamal Patel said that the target is to open five custom processing centers in each district. A total of 260 centers are targeted to be opened this year in 2021-22. Farmers can apply online at Directorate of Agricultural Engineering to open custom processing center on bank loan basis. These custom processing centers will be opened in all the districts of the state. For this, at least ten lakh rupees and maximum 25 lakh rupees will be spent. Farmers who want to open these will be given a grant of up to Rs 10 lakh. Beneficiaries will also be eligible to get benefits under the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund of the Government of India. The Agriculture Infrastructure Fund scheme will provide interest subvention to the project at the rate of 3% and guarantee from the Government of India.

Help will be provided from

Custom Hiring Center Machines, machines are being provided to the farmers on rent to open custom hiring centers in the private sector. Loans ranging from 40 per cent to Rs 10 lakh will be given for tractors and farming machines required for each custom hiring centre. At present, applications are being invited to open 416 Custom Hiring Centers. The grant will be available only after opening the center on the basis of bank loan. Right now the target of the scheme is to open four and a half thousand custom hiring centers in the state. With this, farmers will now be able to do grading in the field itself.

This news has not been edited by Apni Kheti staff but has been published by various news feeds

Source: News 18