Civil engineer job missed in lockdown, farming by mulching method, saving water

July 16 2021

In the lockdown, the private company of Dorilal resident of village Mahawar lost the job of civil engineer. He started farming by adopting mulching method, focusing on water and environment conservation. Farmer Dorilal did his Diploma of Civil Engineer after Intermediate (Agriculture). Two years ago, he got a job as a civil engineer in a private company in Noida. Last year in the lockdown, the company was closed and he became unemployed. After that he returned to the village. He adopted the methods he had learned in Intermediate to conserve water during organic farming and irrigation. By adopting the method of mulching for cultivation, he is preparing crops like chillies. This method not only saves water in farming but also helps in root development of the plant. The soil also does not harden and retains moisture. The yield is also higher than normal. 

What is Mulching Method 

Mulching is a modern method of farming. With this, beds are made in the fields and mulching polythene is laid in them, so that water does not flow unnecessarily on the polythene. Goes directly to the root of the plant. Due to this, water is saved up to 50 percent, whereas water is wasted by spreading through normal method of irrigation. 

Farmer s point 

Water is conserved by doing cultivation by mulching method. We are doing agriculture by this method. This not only conserves water, but also produces good crops.- Dorilal, Farmer. 

I am also planning to cultivate by mulching method because mulching method is a much better method to conserve water. There are many benefits of farming by this method. - Chandrabhan, farmer. 

Farmers are cultivating by Dorilal mulching method. By cultivating this method, it has been found that water is saved and water does not flow unnecessarily. Sumit Chauhan, District Agriculture Officer.

This news has not been edited by Apni Kheti staff but has been published by various news feeds

Source: Amar Ujala