Other Homemade
Organic Medicines

Mixture of Chilly and garlic

Take 1.5kg green chilies and remove peduncle. Crush them well and then put these crushed chilies in 25ltr water and soaked them overnight. The second mixture is made by using 1.25kg garlic and 625ml kerosene oil and is placed overnight. On the second day, mix 15ltr detergent in 1ltr water. All three solutions are mixed in a single utensil and place it as such for 4 hours. Filter this mixture with the help of a cloth and then mix it in 200ltr water and do spraying.

Mixture of green chilies, onion, and garlic

Crush half kg green chilies, half kg onion, and half kg garlic

Mixture of ash and kerosene oil

In 10ml kerosene oil, add 1kg ash and mix them well. This broadcast is used to prevent from jassids and red beetle of the gourd family.

Mixture of clayey soil

1kg clayey soils are mixed in 100ltr water and then spray it.

Mixture of tobacco

Extraction of tobacco leaves is done and then thesolution is mixed in 1ltr water. Spraying is then done 2-3 times. It is mainly used for caterpillar pest protection.

Spray of extract of Sadabahar leaves

Extract of Sadabahar leaves 100ml in 15ltr water is mixed. Then spray is used in cotton or other crops at the time of boll formation to prevent from caterpillar or other pests.

Castor oil spray

To protect grains from pests in the storage room, a spray of castor oil is done and then theroom is closed.

Custard apple paste

200gm of custard apple paste is mixed in 1ltr water and place the solution in a bucket overnight. Next day, at evening time, take 150ml paste and mix in 15ltr water and then spray in standing crop. This will help in disease prevention.

Top dressing with wood or dung ash is done for easy and early seed germination.

Uses of Light traps are done for disease protection and in mud utensil, add some drops of kerosene oil so that pests fall in and ultimately die.

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