Expert Advisory Details

Posted by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
2021-02-24 12:11:09

Suggestions for farmers growing Wheat, Oil Seeds and sugarcane

WHEAT- Regularly monitor the wheat crop to detect initial foci of yellow rust. Only spot application surrounding the infected area should be done with Caviet @ 200g or Nativo @ 120g or Custodia or Opera or Tilt or Shine or Bumper or Stilt or Compass or Markzole @ 200 ml in 200 litres of water per acre.

  • During these days, manage rodent pests in wheat crop sown with conventional tillage method by placing zinc phosphide or bromadiolone bait @ 400 gm/acre before milky grain stage. For wheat sown with happy seeder, place zinc phosphide or bromadiolone bait @ 400 gm/acre before milky grain stage at 40 points on pieces of paper by placing 10 gm bait at each point.
  • To produce karnal bunt free seed of wheat, give single spray of Tilt 200 ml(PROPICONAZOLE 25% EC) per acre using 200 litres of water at ear emergence stage.

OILSEEDS- If the infestation of aphid reaches the economic threshold level in sarson/ raya then spray the crop with 40 g Actara 25 WG or 400 ml of Rogor 30 EC or 600 ml of Dursban 20 EC in 100 litres of water per acre.

  • Prevailing weather is favourable for the spread and development of white rust. Protect the crop by spraying Ridomil Gold @ 250 g / 100 litres of water per acre. If needed, repeat spray after 20days interval.

SUGARCANE- It is the optimum time for the sowing of sugarcane and use recommended varieties i.e. CoPB-92, Co118, CoJ-85, CoJ-64 (early maturing), CoPB-94, CoPB-93, CoPB-91, Co-238, CoJ-88 for mid season and late maturing.