Expert Advisory Details

Posted by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
2023-04-12 14:25:16

How to improve the saline soil

For improving saline soil, take four soil samples at a depth 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, and 60 cm down to one meter. Get these samples tested from the soil testing laboratory and water the field well. When the weather is right, apply gypsum as per the soil test and plough the field. Sow dhaincha crop if there is sufficient moisture in the soil then, otherwise first irrigate the soil and then sow the crop. Sow 20 kg of Dhaincha seeds per acre. If the phosphorus content in the soil is low, apply 75 kg of single superphosphate per acre at the time of sowing and then do not apply phosphorus fertilizers in the paddy.