Expert Advisory Details

Posted by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
2021-01-20 12:15:24

Advisory related to Wheat and Oil Seeds for upcoming days by PAU experts

WHEAT- Use only recommended dose of weedicide for effective control of Phalaris minor in wheat crop.

  • If yellowing of leaves appear due to manganese deficiency in wheat crop, spray the crop with manganese sulphate.
  • If symptoms of sulphur deficiency noticed, broadcast one quintal gypsum/acre followed by a light irrigation or if the soil is in proper moisture condition, this may be mixed by hoeing.
  • As weather is becoming congenial for occurrence of yellow rust in wheat, farmers are advised to monitor regularly the wheat crop to detect initial foci of yellow rust. Only spot application surrounding the infected area should be done with Caviet @ 200g or Nativo @ 120g or Custodia or Opera or Tilt or Shine or Bumper or Stilt or Compass or Markzole @ 200 ml in 200 litres of water per acre.

OILSEEDS- If the infestation of aphid reaches the economic threshold level in sarson/ raya then spray the crop with 40 g Actara 25 WG or 400 ml of Rogor 30 EC or 600 ml of Dursban 20 EC in 100 litres of water per acre.

  • Prevailing weather is favourable for the spread and development of white rust. Protect the crop by spraying Ridomil Gold @ 250 g / 100 litres of water per acre. If needed, repeat spray after 20days interval.