Expert Advisory Details

Posted by Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa, Arunachal Pradesh
2021-03-10 12:27:50

Advisory related to Peas and Mustard for the upcoming days

Peas- As rain is forecasted in coming week, immediately harvest the mature pods. Generally harvesting during rain is not recommended, but if mature crop is there in field, harvesting should be done to avoid spoilage of crop in the field. After harvesting, dry the crop properly in covered place. Maintain proper drainage in the field and avoid water stagnation in the base of the plant.

MUSTARD- Mustard/rapeseed is mainly in flowering / pod formation stage. As rain forecasted for next few days, properly check the drainage in the field and avoid water stagnation. Properly monitor the field and provide adequate support to the fallen crops by tying 4-5 mustard plant together with a bamboo or stick support.