Harjeet Singh Brar
Despite Facing Many Problems, This Citrus Estate Owner Reinvented His Way to Stay Successful To Harvest the Sweetest Kinnows
Crop failure, insect/pest attack, rainfed land, financial condition are some of the problems that make the farmers helpless and handicapped sometimes, and these situations lead to suicide commits, starvation, and illiteracy. But some farmers do not accept their downfall so easily and they overcome these types of situations with their full determination and efforts. Harjeet Singh Brar, a residence of Deleanwali village (Faridkot), is one such a farmer whose quest of glory still echoes in the field of kinnow cultivation.
Mr. Brar got the inspiration of Kinnow farming after his visit to the orchard of Sardar Balwinder Singh Tikka situated at Abul Khurana village. Initially, he faced many problems like pest attacks of Citrus Psylla, Leaf Miner and disease like Phytophthora root rot, but he never stepped back or regretted his decision of Kinnow farming. But slowly with the time, he overcame all the problems and expanded his orchard from 6 acres to 70 acres.
To increase the orchard productiveness he implemented the High-Density farming technique. With his dedication and curiosity to learn more about Kinnow Farming, kept him afloat over all the problems and he started earning great profit from the business.
To polish his farming skills and give it a better professional touch, he undertook training from P.A.U, KVK Faridkot and Department of Horticulture.
The Passion for Conserving Natural Resources:
He is very passionate towards conserving the natural resources. He always tries to implement those farming technologies through which he can save the resources. With the guidance of PAU experts, he installed drip irrigation system and built a water storage tank of capacity 42 lakh litres, where he stores canal water. Along with this, he also invested in the solar panel to conserve solar energy and later use it to uplift water from storage tanks to his orchards. He also does mulching during peak summer months to conserve the soil moisture.
To improve the soil health he uses green manure and also recommends to other farmers. He prepares soil bed of around 20 m X 10 m and 20 m X 15 m for Kinnow cultivation.
How he deals with the pest…
To tackle the menace of citrus Psylla, White Fly, and Leaf Miner, he has especially implemented an indigenous aeroblast spray pump which ensures uniform spray of the pesticide and weedicide.
Adopting innovative trends…
Whenever he gets the opportunity to adopt any new trend or technology he never misses that. Once he borrowed an idea from Gurraj Singh Virk- an eminent horticulturist and designed a low-cost Kinnow cleaning cum grading machine (capacity of 2 tonnes per hour). And now this machine only cost him just Rs 125 to clean and grade 2 tonnes of fruit, but the biggest advantage is that he is saving Rs 1000 on manual cleaning. Today, he is making a great profit from his orchard business. He is an inspiration for other farmers.
“All farmers, whether practicing organic or conventional farming should take immediate and stern measures to conserve the soil fertility. For Kinnow farming, the farmers should use green manure in the Kinnow plantations for improving the soil health.”