Gurcharan Singh Mann
How Gurcharan Singh Mann Getting the Most Out Of His Land through Diversification of Crops and Other Allied Activities
The trend of diversified farming is not so common in India. Wheat, rice and other traditional crops like barley are the major crops that farmers prefer to grow, unaware of the fact that conventional farming not only affects the soil fertility but also affects the farmer and sometimes also makes them vulnerable. On the other hand, diversified farming gives a boost in the farmer’s income if done properly. One such a farmer who recognized benefits of crop diversification and earned profit from it by implementing it when he was totally down and out, is Gurcharan Singh Sandhu.
Gurcharan Singh Sandhu was an ordinary farmer from Tungwali village of Bathinda district. The place from where he belongs is an arid and underdeveloped area, but these hindrances were nothing in front of his strong willpower.
In a young age, he left his studies and started farming, it’s a matter of 1992. He already had 42 acres of land, but he was never satisfied. Growing wheat and paddy was not a successful venture for him, due to the aridness of that area. After many attempts, when Gurcharan was not successful from traditional or conventional farming trend, then he decided of bringing a change in his farming methods. He adopted diversified farming trend and because of this initiative he has been chosen as the best farmer of the year by Punjab Agriculture University and has been honoured with “Parwasi Bharti Puraskar” instituted by Maninderjit Singh Sandhu, a former PAU teacher, for adopting diversification.
Today, out of 42 acres, he has orchards in 10 acres, vegetable farming in 2.5 acres, fish farm in 10 acres and banyan trees in half an acre. However, the real game changer other than diversified farming for him was beekeeping. He started with just 7 bee boxes, and today he has more than 1800 bee boxes from which the total produce is one thousand quintal of honey every year.
Mr. Gurcharan is so perfect in his work that the honey produced by him is excellent in quality and is recognized in many countries. His success in beekeeping led district administration to establish a honey processing plant in his village, and this plant is giving employment to 15 people who come under below poverty line. His beekeeping business is not only profiting him but also many other people by providing them employment.
Mr. Gurcharan has truly understood the meaning of diversification and he has implemented it not only in vegetable farming but also in his occupation. He has orchards, fish farm, dairy farm, and he is also actively involved in organic farming. From beekeeping business, he has started other allied activities such as Bee Box making and Wax Candle making.
“One thing that every farmer should get it done is soil and water check. And the second thing that farmer should understand is that if one farmer is growing potatoes than other should grow garlic, they should never chase other’s actions.”
Since beekeeping has now become his primary occupation, so he has named his farm “Mann Makhi Farm” and apart from honey he also makes jam, pickles, spices like turmeric powder and red chili powder. He markets all these products under the name of “Maan”.
Currently, his farm comes under Punjab Tourism because of its surrounding and landscape; his farm is encircled by more than 5000 species of trees and visiting there gives the real sense of being close to nature.
According to him, whatever he has achieved today is just because of PAU (Punjab Agriculture University); from the beginning, he always practiced that was recommended by the PAU Experts. To bring more professionalism in his work he also pursued the higher education and graduated in technical and scientific inventions later.
His main key to success is reducing the production cost, taking the products in the market himself and being less dependent on the government. By following these main things he is making a good profit.
He also discussed his views related to government initiative towards farming: –
“Government should pay more attention towards encouraging the modern farming techniques, availing more funds for research work, deciding the right collaboration cost for the cash crops, then only farmers can easily adopt the modern farming trends.”
“Farmers shouldn’t follow the trend that other farmers are doing, they should do from which they can be benefited. And if they need help than they can take it from agriculture experts, whether they are from PAU or any other university, because they always suggest the best.”