Various organic fertilizers and their use in various crops

Organic fertilizers are bacterial compost. The beneficial micro-organisms present in the compost get hold of pre-existing nitrogen in the atmosphere and make the crop available and give the insoluble phosphorus present in the soil as water soluble and give it to the plants.
Today we are going to share with you about various organic fertilizers used in pulses, cereal crops and oil crops.
1. Rhizobium vaccine
a. For better growth rhizobium makes root nodules which are beneficial in all pulse and peanut crops.
b. They act as nitrogen fixator, which decrease the use of chemically generated nitrogen by 15-29 kg N/ ha.
c. They are useful for specific legume crops, such as gram, lentil, pea, soybean, groundnut, arhar, moong, urad, cowpea, berseem, dhaincha and lucerne.

2. Azotobacter Inoculant
a. Azotobacter bacteria are independent organisms and have been recommended for crops like wheat, paddy, maize and barley, vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes and oil crops such as mustard crops.
b. They can decrease the use of chemical nitrogen by 20 Kg N/ha.
c. Produces phytohormones which are helpful in the development and good germination of plant roots.

3. Azospirillum Inoculant
a. They are mainly recommended for non-leguminous crops like jowar, bajra, ragi and other millets.
b. They are useful to increase the yield of grains and fodder of millets.
c. They decrease the use of nitrogen up to 15-20Kg N/ha.

4. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Inoculant (PSB)
a.  PSB is mostly recommended for the use of wheat, paddy, cowpea, lentil, gram and potato.
b. Improve the amount of insoluble phosphorus by making it soluble in water.
c. PSB enhances the efficiency of phosphatic fertilizers such as super phosphate.

5. Process to treat seeds
a. 200g is enough for seeds spread in one acre land.
b. Create a mixture of 100g jiggery or sugar with clean water, boil water to make a thick solution.
c. Add seeds after boiling the mixture properly, to make thick and slurry paste.
d. Seeds should be dried in in shade and need to be stored in a cool and dry place before use.
e. When they are completely dry, they need to be sown as soon as possible.

6. Precautions
a. Should not be kept in the direct exposure sunlight or near to synthetic chemicals.
b. Treated seeds should be dried in shades properly.
c. Use the complete packet after opening.

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